The Mount Allison Ladies’ College 1854-1937

Year: 1994
49 x 61 cm

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This poster coincided with the exhibition The Mount Allison Ladies’ College 1854-1937, held at the Owens Art Gallery 3 December 1993 to 16 January 1994.

This exhibition featured a selection of works from the Permanent Collection to coincide with the presentation of the Mary Hiester Reid exhibition. It included works by women artists associated with the Mount Allison Ladies College, including works by Florence Huestis Black, Margaret Black, Mabel Killam Day, Jean Dixon, Winifred McGill Fox, Frances Harris, Sarah Stewart Hart, Annie Inch Hunton, Katherine Krug, Edna O. Leonard Farquhar, Christian Harris McKiel, Elizabeth McLeod, Gwendolyn Duffil Meux, Katherine Morice, Margaret Morice, Greta Ogden, S. Ethel Ogden, Roberta Taylor, Louisa Trueman, and Mary Stuart Weldon.