Shadow Stories

Shadow plays inspired by the permanent collection

More Programs for Schools
Two children stand in a darkened room in front of a small screen with a projected drawing. One of them holds a paper smiley face that casts a shadow of the smiley face onto the screen.

In January 2008, at the darkest time of the year, students from Mrs. Burns’ Grade 5 class and Mr. Stewart’s Grade 6 class at Marshview Middle School in Sackville, NB visited the Owens to see the exhibition Into the Night.

Into the Night featured works from the Owens Collection that explored many different views of the night. Students worked in groups, choosing artworks to inspire writing that would become the raw material for their shadow plays.

Visual elements and themes from the works in the exhibition were brought together with imagination by the students to create their shadow plays. The project culminated with a community performance night of the plays at the Owens.