Framing Nature:
 The Picturesque Tradition in Landscape

Year: 2003
55.9 x 45.6 cm

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This poster coincides with the exhibition Framing Nature: The Picturesque Tradition in Landscape held at the Owens Art Gallery from 14 November to 21 December 2003.

This exhibition from the Owens Permanent Collection invited the spectator to consider how nature was perceived within the British landscape tradition of the late Eighteenth to Nineteenth centuries. Presented with approximately thirty watercolours from this period, the viewer is encouraged to examine the context of this medium, its rise in popularity, and the subject of the “British” landscape as symptomatic of the shifting perceptions in viewing nature, shaped though politics, tourism, and the art circles of this period. Guest-curated by Dr. Anne Koval, Department of Fine Arts, Mount Allison University.

Research funded by the Marjorie Young Bell Music and Fine Arts Fund and the Humanities and Social Sciences Research Fund, Mount Allison University.

Image: H. Vernon, View in Sussex

Dimensions: 56 x 46cm