Dave Dyment: Pop Quiz

Year: 2019
20 pages
15 x 22 cm
ISBN: 978-0-88828-260-6
$5.00 softcover

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This publication coincides with the exhibition Dave Dyment: Pop Quiz, curated by Lucy Macdonald, held at the Owens Art Gallery from 11 January – 20 February 2019.

Pop Quiz is a collection of every question posed in the lyrics of every song in the artist’s music collection. Originally intended as a bookwork, the piece first existed as a looped video. Each time the work is exhibited it is updated to include new questions from more recent additions to the collection. At first just twelve minutes, the video is now almost four hours long.

The publication includes a foreword by Emily Falvey, curatorial statement from Lucy MacDonald, an artist statement and interview between Geordie Miller and Dave Dyment.

Design by Robert Tombs