Healing Crit for Mount Allison Fine Arts Students with Wit López
Free – Online via Zoom
Registration required, space is limited
In 2017, Wit López coined the term “healing crit” while looking for ways to help other artists improve their work. As an artist from a family of artists, López learned early about how cruel the art world can be to individual artists. In response, they developed Healing Crits as a way to counteract the harm that some traditional critiques can inflict on artists who are just trying to do their best. Unlike traditional critiques, where artwork can be harshly criticized, there is no criticism of the actual artwork in a Healing Crit. Instead, the artist’s wellbeing is centred.
Mount Allison Fine Arts Students interested in attending the Healing Crit can register via Zoom. Space is limited to 20 participants. If you have questions, please contact the Owens at [email protected].
Wit López is a Brooklyn-bred and Philadelphia-based disabled, gender non-conforming / nonbinary trans mixed media creator, performer, and independent curator of African-American and Boricua descent. With two visual artists for parents, creating has always been a part of López’s world. Their work combines the skills their parents taught them—fibre art, painting, collage, and photography—and contains elements of their formal training in theatre and classical music, including costuming, staging, and props. López’s visual work and performance art use their background in anthropology and Africana studies as a lens to examine, decolonize, and reconstruct aspects of their own identity. Through fibre and imagery, López explores hairiness, accessibility, queerness, gender identity, Blackness, and Latinidad, while also fully embracing absurdity and macabre humor.
López’s work is currently on view in the exhibition The Baroness Elsa Project. Curated by Heather Anderson and Irene Gammel, The Baroness Elsa Project reaches back a century to bring elemental traces of the radical art, poetry and personage of Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven (1874-1927) into conversation with the work of eight contemporary artists: Lene Berg, Dana Claxton, ray ferreira, Wit López, Taqralik Partridge, Sheilah ReStack, Carol Sawyer, and Cindy Stelmackowich.
This workshop was organized in partnership with the Mount Allison Fine Arts Society.
CART captioning will be available.