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A black and white image of a woman in a two piece bathing suit, standing with her arms extended, is overlaid with six green semi-transparent rectangles over her right wrist, face, neck, chest, abdomen and left thigh.


Friday, 10 March 2023


7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Each ending in a choice Game Night

Drop by the Owens to experience the games, interactive narratives and hypertext artworks included in the online exhibition Each ending in a choice and stay for an informal game night.

Bring your own hand-held console, a favourite tabletop, card or dice game, or borrow one of ours. We will have devices available to play and interact with the works included in the exhibition, and a selection of IRL board games to play.

Each ending in a choice features works by Works by David Clark, Ronnie Clarke, Elizabeth LaPensée, the Oshkii Giizhik Singers and Sharon M. Day, Amanda Low, Emily Short, Kara Stone. Curated by Rachel Thornton, the exhibition is online until 23 April.

Masks are required. This event is free; no registration required.

Detailed venue access information